英语:Udemy – AzureDevOps Fundamentals for Beginners 网盘分享(727.38M)


资源内容:英语:Udemy – AzureDevOps Fundamentals for Beginners,文件大小共:727.38M,详见下方内容截图与文件目录。

英语:Udemy - AzureDevOps Fundamentals for Beginners 网盘分享(727.38M)

英语:Udemy - AzureDevOps Fundamentals for Beginners 网盘分享(727.38M)


1 – azure devops for absolute beginners

1 – devops-terms.pdf

1 – welcome and course overview.mp4

2 – hands on create an azure devops org.mp4

3 – what is devops anyway (aka devops 101).mp4

4 – why should you care about devops.mp4

4 – why-devops.pdf

5 – azure devops and creating a project.mp4

6 – devops 101 recap.mp4

2 – configure azure boards

1 – azure boards overview.mp4

2 – azure boards 101.mp4

2 – devops-work-processes.pdf

3 – define teams and work items.mp4

4 – define a sprint.mp4

5 – define features and epics.mp4

6 – using azure devops boards with github.mp4

7 – the right board view for the job (and board queries).mp4

3 – explore azure repositories

1 – azure repos – section intro.mp4

1 – devops-repos-terms.pdf

10 – work with code locally (part 2).mp4

11 – understand and manage commit history.mp4

12 – clean up repos.mp4

2 – code management with azure repos 101.mp4

3 – git vs. github (in 5 min).mp4

4 – create the build environment.mp4

5 – create a code repository.mp4

5 – flatris-repo-url.rtf

6 – commit changes to code.mp4

7 – perform a pull request.mp4

8 – perform a pull request (2020 ui update).mp4

9 – work with code locally (part 1).mp4

4 – build and deploy code with azure pipelines

1 – azure pipelines – section intro.mp4

1 – devops-pipelines-terms.pdf

10 – flatrisgame-yaml.txt

10 – old – deploy flatris (using a yaml from microsoft).mp4

11 – automatic deployment with a yaml file (how easy a deploy can be).mp4

12 – start devops using a ci cd pipeline (in 9 min).mp4

13 – create an azure deployment pipeline from the ide.mp4

2 – devops pipelines 101.mp4

3 – manage your release pipelines with azure devops.mp4

4 – builds vs. releases.mp4

5 – create a build pipeline.mp4

6 – create a github pipeline.mp4

7 – create a devops release pipeline.mp4

8 – flatris-deploy-procedure.pdf

8 – flatrisgame-yaml.txt

8 – release flatris – real-world troubleshooting of a pipeline.mp4

9 – verify results from flatris deploy.mp4

5 – working with test plans and extensions

1 – azure test plans overview.mp4

1 – devops-test-plans-terms.pdf

2 – types of tests.mp4

3 – create a manual test plan.mp4

4 – run a url load test.mp4

6 – conclusion

1 – devops-next-module.pdf

1 – let’s create a ci cd training pipeline together.mp4

2 – devops-certification.pdf

2 – thanks and next steps.mp4



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